The trustees of The Lighthouse have had to make the very difficult decision to close the charity. This will include all the drop-in sessions at Stricklandgate House and Grange and any other activities associated with The Lighthouse charity. This is due to a lack of trustees, volunteers and a manager. We are the only 2 acting trustees and due to work and family commitments, we are unable to continue in these roles. There are only 2 volunteers running the drop ins at Stricklandgate House, meaning we can only offer a Tuesday and a Wednesday session and one volunteer now running the games night. We are doing these sessions alone which could lead to safeguarding issues. The Grange group is however still being run by 2 volunteers. Our main concern will of course be the people who attend the drop-ins and we are doing everything we can to find alternative places that may be able to help. We would like to thank everyone who has helped keep us going over the last few years. We are very grateful for everything you have done to help. The last drop-in sessions in Kendal will be on Tuesday, 30th April, and Wednesday, 1st May. The closing date of the Grange group has yet to be decided. Fee and Robin.
The Lighthouse
Providing Peer Support To Help Improve Mental Health And Well-being
The Lighthouse is a mental health peer support charity based in Kendal, serving the South Lakeland area of Cumbria, in North West England. Whether you have a diagnosed mental health condition or are simply hoping to boost your emotional well-being, The Lighthouse provides services and activities to help.
By and large, to talk about our mental health is something we are constantly encouraged to do. How many of us do it? It’s shocking to think that, even in 2023, to admit to living with mental health issues can carry stigma. That’s right, a ‘stigma’, defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, is a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair. The Lighthouse is working towards enabling everyone to talk about mental health and taking action to remove that stigma.
Our Focus
At the present time, our primary focus at the Lighthouse is promoting peer support. We don’t provide counselling services — not yet, at least! However, we provide environments where people can meet, talk, and maybe try new activities.
The Lighthouse aims to help build a society that no longer considers mental ill health a blemish or a stain on any individual’s character. Working with partners who share our vision, we take small but vital steps to support mental health in South Lakeland.
Interested? Then come and join us for a brew and chat! We provide a comfortable and safe space facilitated by our lovely, non-judgemental peer support volunteers. Places where you can come and share issues or sit in the company of others who understand.
We also run a selection of various activities depending on what opportunities are available. Check our Services and Activities page and watch out for updates on our Facebook page.
Need Help Now?
If you are in crisis and need help, then visit our Need Help Now page. You can find details of agencies and organisations offering immediate support and advice there. We will update this page occasionally to ensure all the organisations are relevant. You can get to the same page by clicking on the red NEED HELP NOW? menu tab, which can be found at the top of every page of our website.